March 29, 2011

Survey: We need your Feedback!

The FACC-Atlanta would like to provide you with a survey so that we may better understand which events and members’ benefits best serve you.  By filling out the following survey, you will be providing us with information that will be beneficial to the growth of the Atlanta Chapter of the FACC.  Please follow the link below to access the survey:
Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our organization for you!

March 21, 2011

Job Opportunity in Atlanta

Your FACC  is pleased to share with its Members and the Atlanta French Community the various job opportunities in Southeast United States.
If you are interested by a job, don't forget to check regularly the positions available on the FACC website.

To see all the job offers, click here.

The last job opportunity that you can find come from the French Embassy Trade Office, Ubifrance. They are seeking a Trade Advisor Energy / Environment for its Atlanta office.