April 27, 2011

Passport to France 2011 Entertainments!

Passport to France, An Evening in Versailles

Upon arriving in “Versailles”, guests will stroll through the Galerie des Glaces (Hall of Mirrors) where they will be greeted by King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette who will invite them to partake in a champagne reception, with music played by an accordeonist player, Scott Douglas. Prior to dinner, guests will enjoy passed hors d’oeuvres and live music while they stroll by the silent auction tables and the Passport Monument Sponsors.

Dinner will be held in the main banquet hall, accompanied by live piano music. Guests will enjoy a delicious meal prepared by the decorated staff of chefs at the Piedmont Driving Club. Tables will be themed to famous historical figures from French history (Louis XIV, Cardinal de Richelieu, etc).

After dinner, guests can adjourn to one of two themed entertainment venues – The Monte Carlo Casino and the Parisian Street Café.
Located in the beautiful and elegant Piedmont room of the Piedmont Driving Club, guests will be invited to try their luck at Roulette, Poker, Black Jack or Craps. Overlooking scenic midtown and downtown Atlanta, the Monte Carlo Casino is sure to be, again, a crowd favorite. In addition, the guest with the most chips at the end of the evening will win a special gift!

Not feeling so lucky? 

April 12, 2011

Passport to France 2011, An Evening in Versailles

On Friday, May 20th, the FACC-Atlanta will host its 26th Annual spring Gala - Passport to France 2011, An Evening in Versailles. This event brings together more than 250 prominent individuals and leaders front the French-American Business community in Georgia and beyond.

Passport to France, An Evening in Versailles, will be held in one of the most exclusive Club, the Piedmont Driving Club, between Piedmont Park and the Atlanta Botanical Garden in the heart of Midtown Atlanta, on Friday, May 20th from 7pm to midnight.
This  will be an exceptional Gala featuring a French themed casino, a Parisian Street Café with Jazz Music, a champagne reception, a wonderful dinner, live and silent auctions, caricaturist and painter and musical entertainment.

Passport to France is

April 11, 2011

Investing in France - an Attractive Proposition!

France increases its attractiveness for investors from foreign countries.

With an increase of 22% of foreign investment in 2010, France ranks 4th for host countries for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), behind the United States, China and Hong-Kong but in front of Germany and England.
FDI in France in 2010, represented some 782 distinct projects totaling 40.4 Billion Euros of investment, generated by the 20,000 foreign companies which employ roughly 2 million individuals.
Companies from the European Union (65%) and North America (22%) are the biggest investors in France, compared to emerging countries, which supply only 6% of FDI, or 47 projects.