July 29, 2011

Tremplin Amérique du Nord 2012

Envie d'exporter aux USA ? Cela sera possible grâce au réseau des Chambres de Commerce françaises localisées à l'étranger. 

  • L’intérêt du « TREMPLIN AMERIQUE DU NORD » :
Des marchés solvables qui présentent de réelles opportunités.
L’Amérique du Nord est une zone de référence sur les autres marchés mondiaux : elle constitue le prolongement naturel de la démarche commerciale d’une entreprise qui exporte déjà vers les pays de l’UE.
  • Un moyen efficace pour :
* Obtenir une information pertinente sur l’état et les opportunités du marché nord-américain.
* Rencontrer des experts et les partenaires de votre développement

July 19, 2011

Global Connect in the medias!

Find the various interviews of your FACC Executive Director, Daniel Bowers, and of Ray Gilbert,  British American Business Group, the organizers of the Global Connect Event.
The event will celebrate Delta Air Lines Inc.'s 70 years in Atlanta and will feature food and entertainment from around the world while showcasing the activities of the chambers and other international groups.

To listen the Atlanta Business Radio Interviews Ray Gilbert with British American Business Group, Daniel Bowers with French American Chamber Of Commerce, and Alain Beauvais with Creative Challenges, Inc.: Click Here
Take a look at the article from GlobalAtlanta and the video on the proclamation of Global Connect, honored by Atlanta City Council: http://www.globalatlanta.com/article/24938

We look foward to see you on Thursday!

July 8, 2011

July 21st : Global Connect event

On Thursday, July 21,the French American Chamber of Commerce and the British American Business Group will host a business mixer from 5:30 to 9:00 PM called Global Connect at the 200 Peachtree Center.  Currently, over 30 bi-lateral Chambers of Commerce and Trade Organizations have confirmed this participation including: The German American Chamber of Commerce of the South East, the Swedish, Belgian, Danish, Chilean, Argentine – American Chambers of Commerce, the Metro Atlanta Chamber and more. 

Delta Air Lines has come on board as the primary sponsor for the evening. The companies that sponsors with the FACC are: Oakwood, Chase Bank, Epstein Becker Green and HLB Gross Collins.

Each of the countries invited to participate is also being asked to find restaurants that could represent their particular country’s culinary traditions and style. So far LW Chocolatier and Buckead Club will be our “French Culinary Representative”.

Spread the word and tell everyone you know to join us Thursday July 21 5:30pm – 9:00pm at Global Connect . If you would like additional information, you can contact us at 404 -997-6800 or Ray Gilbert with the British American Business Group at 678-925-4736. Thanks! I hope to see you there.

To learn more about this tremendous event on Atlanta Business Radio, click here